Donald R. Young was a Denver police officer working a second job when he was shot three times in the back and killed by an illegal alien from Mexico, Raul Garcia-Gomez. Young was providing security at Solano Ocampo, a hall used for private functions, when he was ambushed at around 1 am on Sunday May 8; another policeman was also shot but not seriously.
Both men were off duty but in uniform. Detective Young was the married father of two. He was a a 12-year veteran, who had worked with the vice-narcotics and domestic violence units, and was assigned to the fugitive-bomb squad when he died.
Donald R. Young had received numerous awards during his 12 years on the Denver police force.
He was awarded the police department's medal of honor and a distinguished service cross. He also received 10 official commendations and two commendatory letters.
Raul Garcia-Gomez, the accused killer of Detective Donnie Young, was an illegal alien who had been in police custody twice before but was allowed to remain in the United States instead of being deported.
9NEWS has also confirmed that Garcia-Gomez has been involved in at least three traffic infractions since last October. He was pulled over once for running a red light, once for speeding and was involved in an accident.
In two of those incidents he was citing for driving with out a drivers license and in the third he provided a Mexican license.
Update 5/11: The Dodge Neon Garcia-Gomez used to escape has been found in California, perhaps Los Angeles. The girlfriend said that he confessed to her.
Update 5/12: O'Reilly mentioned Denver's sanctuary policy during his 5/11 discussion of this case. And yes, the Denver Police Department Operations Manual makes it clear in Section 104.52 - Arrest/Detention of Foreign Nationals that police are to ignore illegal immigration status in performing their duties. (PDF file of manual)
Furthermore, this case is complicated by the fact that the Mayor of Denver owned the restaurant where the accused killer worked, and the restaurant had received notification that Garcia-Gomez' Social Security number was bogus, indicating he was a likely illegal alien. It's an ugly picture of corruption all the way around, with another unnecessary death so that a fat-cat politician business owner could make a few more bucks.
Contact Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, phone 720-865-9000 or email: MileHighMayor@ci.denver.co.us to express polite outrage at his city's idiotic sanctuary policy.
Update 5/16: Now the accused's family has disappeared, presumably to Mexico where Garcia-Gomez is believed to be. Gone from Los Angeles are the killer's mother and four of her other children plus Ismael Goytia, cousin of the accused.
In other news, on Friday "Thousands Gather[ed] For Slain Police Officer's Funeral."
Update June: The accused was arrested on June 4 in Culican, Mexico. The article contained an interesting detail:
In 2002, the attorney general's office estimated that about one- fourth of Colorado's roughly 200 active murder warrants for fugitives involved Mexican nationals who returned to their homeland after the crimes.
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